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Social Media Dos and Don’ts When Job Hunting

February 6, 2023

Social Media Insights Right from Our HR Experts

We spoke with our HR Team to find out what some of the dos and don’ts of social media are when you are looking for a new role. Here’s what they had to say:

Do: Keep your social media professional. Remember, “private” doesn’t mean that your social media platforms are actually private. Keep in mind that whatever you post will always be out there somewhere — even if you delete it in the future. So, plan and only post things that you would feel comfortable with a future employer seeing.

Don’t: Post or share negative or inappropriate content. Your social media is a direct reflection of who you are to future employers, coworkers, or anyone who may view your profile. Posting or sharing negative or inappropriate content can make a negative first impression.

Do: Share things that are unique to you. Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can be inundated with a million similar posts. Posts that are unique to you and your experiences will help you to stand out.

Don’t: Stay quiet. LinkedIn and other social media sites can be extremely helpful in establishing connections and building relationships that could help you to land a new role. Posting on LinkedIn will help your profile to be more visible to your connections, so be sure to stay active by sharing posts, commenting, and connecting with others. Bonus tip: Make sure that your information is up to date and accurate to reflect your experience and education.

Do: Reach out to your connections. If you are searching for a job, use your social media platforms strategically. Connect with people in industries or companies that interest you and reach out. A quick, professional message to a hiring manager after applying for a role can go a long way.