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Pros and Cons of Temp Jobs vs. Permanent Jobs

October 10, 2022

When looking for a new job, is it worth starting as a Temp (Contract) or is it best to opt for direct hire? There are pros and cons to both methods, but ultimately it depends on personal preference as well as a company’s procedures.

Temporary (Contract) Work


  • Time to see if the company is a right fit without the commitment
  • Ability to try out a job that you may not have previously considered
  • Temp positions can often lead to permanent employment
  • Quick way to get a job while hunting for your ideal role


  • Insecurity about your next steps and how long the company will keep you if a contract length isn’t designated
  • Typically, there’s no benefit eligibility
  • Feeling like an outsider, maybe less bonded with co-workers
  • Temps are often excluded from business meetings and social gatherings

Permanent Work


  • Permanent roles often provide Benefits
  • Feeling like you are a part of a team
  • Job peace of mind and financial security
  • Advancement opportunities


  • Inability to see if the company culture is a right fit for you
  • Getting too comfortable and not trying for advancements, both professionally and educational
  • Rarely will there be opportunity to try out other roles to explore what is the best fit
  • Over time some jobs can become tedious
ACRT Services Staff

ACRT Services offers expert independent consulting solutions to utilities and associated organizations throughout the United States, including vegetation management consulting, ecological consulting, arborist training, customized safety courses, technology solutions, utility metering services, and more to empower the best people in the industry.