Feedback Careers

Darrell Stumbo, Senior Manager, Training and Development, Bids ACRT Services Farewell

Darrell Stumbo, Senior Manager, Training and Development, Bids ACRT Services Farewell

Darrell started at ACRT Services in April 2016 and has been an integral part of the benefits team and internal training. Early on he worked with the Chief Human Resources Officer to start a formal compensation program. “I am proud of being able to help get a structure in place which has been developed further under the leadership of Allie Hartfelder.” Darrell worked with Leadership Bootcamp and the Honors Program and facilitated emotional intelligence and predictive index classes. While overseeing benefits, his team reviewed different program options that included adding the Value Plan’s Health Savings Accounts (HSA). In 2020, he assisted in bringing back Learning and Development, two years following the pandemic. “The changes and growth of the company made it important to restructure it and bring it back.”

Darrell reflected on his more than six years with the company:

When I joined the HR Team, the company had around 600 employees. It has been fulfilling to see the company grow to more than 1,500 employees and expand its presence in the utility space in such a  short time.

In 2016, our HR Team was very small, but as the company has grown, so has the HR Team. To support the organization effectively, it has been necessary for us to expand the department and create more centralized roles so that key HR functions are staffed appropriately to provide quick and efficient support.

What I have learned most about this company is how resilient it has been. In the face of adversity, I have seen the team unite, buckle down and find a way to weather the storm. No matter what has been thrown out in front of it, the team has stepped up, navigated the waters, and come out as a winner. It has been a fun journey to watch and be a part of. I hope that in some small way I have contributed to the success of the company, whether it be a coaching conversation I’ve had with someone, a talk to someone about benefits, or helping someone understand the company’s unique culture so they can learn how to be an effective contributor.

I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to work for such a great organization and I thank each and every one of you for your support throughout these years. My plans for the next year are to spend some quality time with my elderly father, hit the trout streams, do some bird watching, and learn how to take good photos. We’ll see where it goes from there.  I leave you with this old Irish saying . . .

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

The rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Respectfully, Darrell