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How to Use AI for Resume Writing

How to Use AI for Resume Writing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a useful tool when drafting a resume when used correctly. If you choose to utilize AI, check out the tips below for some ways to make the process smoother.

Review. The resume that will be created for you based on whatever prompt you utilize in the system is likely going to have some errors or room for improvement. Make sure you read through and check the document for any mistakes or errors.

Edit. Once you have reviewed, edit any errors or inconsistencies in the resume. You can either input more information into the AI software that you are using to help make the document clearer or just edit the document that was provided manually. AI is not necessarily a replacement for you writing your resume, but a tool to speed up your resume writing process.

Highlight your AI skills. The ability to utilize AI effectively is a great skill that is often impressive to hiring managers. Be sure to highlight this in your resume or conversations with hiring managers.